コミュニケーション クオリティ 感想
☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ Well done. Also, I can see you add a bit more expression and line. That impressed me about how you are willing to put care on this work. Still, it turned out to be a bit awkward because of my script. It makes me shy for a bit. I think it's how it should be. I mean if I didn't get your extra hand from you maybe I will even embarrass myself. Thanks for making it work. I am sorry this will be a bit creepy to hear but I am already uploading in my google drive and PC memory. I will take it as my Precious Memory Treasure.
※星の数と評価:☆☆☆☆☆(とても良かった) ☆☆☆☆(良かった) ☆☆☆(ふつうだった) ☆☆(あまり良くなかった) ☆(悪かった)